Events for July 2024

November 10, 2022

List Of Speakers Announced For The Upcoming SUAS Conference

June 22, 2022

SUAS Project at Teagasc Sheep Open Day

May 21, 2022

Granamore Commonage Nominated For A Farming For Nature Award

May 17, 2022

News On SUAS Project Initiative for National Biodiversity Week

March 4, 2022

Tree Planting Initiative on the Glassamucky Brakes & Cunard Commonages

Recently, as part of the SUAS Pilot Project, the shareholders of Glassamucky Brakes & Cunard Commonages on the Wicklow and Dublin border, came together to undertake […]
February 7, 2020

Information Event Held On The Future of Hill Farming in the Dublin Mountains

An information event titled ‘The Future of Hill Farming in the Dublin Mountains’ took place yesterday, February the 6th in the picturesque south County Dublin townland […]
February 4, 2020

‘The Future of Hill Farming in the Dublin Mountains’ Information Event

  An information event titled ‘The Future of Hill Farming in the Dublin Mountains’ will take place this Thursday, February the 6th in Glenasmole, County Dublin. […]
February 3, 2020

‘The Future of Hill Farming in the Dublin Mountains’ Information Event (Feb 6th)

An information event titled ‘The Future of Hill Farming in the Dublin Mountains’ will take place this Thursday, February the 6th in Glenasmole, County Dublin. The […]
February 18, 2019

SUAS Information Evening (2nd Round of Applicants)

Following the official launch of the ‘Sustainable Uplands Agri-environment Scheme (SUAS)’ Pilot Project in November, we are now seeking interested participants to join in the second […]