Since its inception, Wicklow Uplands Council has initiated and participated in projects and partnerships which bring value to the people, who live, work and recreate in the Wicklow Uplands


Over the last ten years, Wicklow Uplands Council has initiated and participated in a number of projects to improve and manage the recreational use of the Wicklow countryside

Vegetation Management

Throughout Ireland as in Wicklow, traditional hill sheep farming is in decline. Coupled with this has been the rise in the extent of unregulated burning

PURE Project

The PURE project is a regional partnership initiative which aims to combat illegal dumping and fly tipping in the Wicklow/ Dublin region

Heritage Interpretative Panels

Since 2008, Wicklow Uplands Council has worked with a number of local communities to develop a network of interpretative panels which promote and raise awareness on the natural and built heritage in towns and villages throughout County Wicklow.

Outdoor Recreation

Over the last ten years, Wicklow Uplands Council has initiated and participated in a number of projects to improve and manage the recreational use of the Wicklow countryside

Rural Security

There is a general sense in the Wicklow/Dublin Uplands that the security situation is deteriorating and rural crime is widespread and on the increase

Winter Weather

Consistent low temperatures and repeated incidents of snow, resulted in the County Council focusing their limited resources on keeping primary routes open

Heritage Recording Project

Using the network of walking trails in the east of the county (existing and in development) as a basis on which to develop a Local Heritage Recording Project

Sustainable Deer Management Project

Commencing in August 2018, this project offers strategic management solutions to the ever-growing deer population in Co. Wicklow

Heritage Walks in County Wicklow

Wicklow Uplands Council in partnership with Wicklow Local Sports Partnership, are delighted to announce a guided heritage walk series for County Wicklow commencing in Autumn 2020.