In November 2022, the SUAS Project hosted a special conference to coincide with the conclusion of the five-year project to share its learnings and outcomes to a wider audience.

Organised to coincide with the successful conclusion of the five-year EIP-AGRI Project, the SUAS Project hosted a special conference open to invited guests and members of the public in November 2022.

The event programme offered an opportunity to explore and discuss the key findings of the project with an array of guest speakers, a panel discussion and a guided field trip to see the innovative work currently being undertaken across the Wicklow and Dublin Uplands.

Held in the Glenview Hotel in county Wicklow, the event featured richly informative presentations from Minister of State for Land Use and Biodiversity, Pippa Hackett, international guest speakers Professors Julia Aglionby and Davy McCracken, and members of the SUAS Project Team. Filling the role of Conference Host and Guest Chair of the Panel Discussion was well-known Irish-journalist and broadcaster Ella McSweeney.


Conference Presentations

In keeping with the SUAS Project’s commitment to publicly record, share and discuss it’s findings and to foster knowledge sharing on both the challenges and opportunities that have emerged from the implementation of the project, the Conference Presentations are available for viewing and appear below in the order of the day’s proceedings.


Opening Address Of The SUAS Project Conference

Minister of State for Land Use and Biodiversity, Pippa Hackett.


‘The Wicklow Uplands Council Experience’

Brian Dunne,
Coordinator of Wicklow Uplands Council.

‘Upland Habitat Condition In The SUAS Project’

Faith Wilson,
SUAS Project Ecologist.


SUAS Project Learnings and Outcomes

Declan Byrne,
SUAS Project Manager.


‘Management Of Common Land In England And The Potential Of Commonage Groups’

Prof. Julia Aglinoby,
Executive Director of the Foundation for Common Land.


‘Improving Biodiversity in Upland Grazing Systems’

Prof. Davy McCracken,
Head of Hill and Mountain Research Centre,
Head of Department of Integrated Land management with Scotland’s Rural College.


SUAS Project Funding:

The SUAS Project is a European Innovation Partnership (EIP) funded by the Department of Agriculture, Food, and the Marine (DAFM) under the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020.

EIP-AGRI projects are centered around a locally led operational group, which involves the cooperation of farmers, scientists, advisors, NGOs and others, coming together to address a specific issue or to take advantage of a new opportunity.

Contact SUAS Project
Main Street,

Co. Wicklow.

Declan Byrne,
Project Manager,
SUAS Pilot Project.

The SUAS Pilot Project is operated by a wholly-owned subsidiary of Wicklow Uplands Council.  Company Name: WUC-SUAS.  CRO623917