Warm Welcome To The New Board Members of The Heritage Council
Wicklow Uplands Council extends a warm welcome to the new board members of The Heritage Council
The appointment of the new state board by Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien TD, was announced this week and sees both new board members and the reappointment of others. Coming from diverse backgrounds from across the broad heritage sector, the board members undoubtedly bring an abundance of experience to guide the strategic vision of the Council’s vital work in the preservation, protection and promotion of our rich built, cultural and natural heritage.
Their appointment comes at a time when the Heritage Council is preparing to launch ‘Heritage at the Heart: Community Grants Scheme’ aimed at supporting heritage projects at a community level. In addition, the Heritage Council is being supported to develop a new initiative, an ‘inclusive heritage’ programme, which sets out to encourage diversity and inclusivity in heritage practice. The first phase of the programme will work specifically with the Traveller Community to record and promote their heritage.
Formed in 1995 as part of the Heritage Act, The Heritage Council’s vision that the value of our national heritage is enjoyed, managed and protected due to the significant contribution it makes to our sense of identity, quality of life, and future well-being. Its statutory functions are to propose policies for the identification, protection, preservation, and enhancement of the national heritage including monuments, archaeological objects, heritage objects, architectural heritage, flora, fauna, wildlife habitats, landscapes, seascapes, wrecks, geology, heritage gardens and parks and inland waterways.
The Heritage Act 1995 defines heritage as including landscapes and seascapes and very significantly includes the key elements of Ireland’s natural and cultural heritage

The Council works in partnership with local communities, local authorities, voluntary groups, government departments, various agencies, national cultural institutions and a number of heritage organisations which have a considerable impact in terms of heritage. Wicklow Uplands Council is one of the organisations that gratefully continues to receive guidance, support and core funding from the Heritage Council. This important partnership began during our founding in the 90’s and it’s one that is valued immensely.
Wicklow Uplands Council would also like to extend their sincere thanks to the outgoing board for their invaluable contribution to ensuring Ireland’s heritage is accessible, understood, and recorded and protected for future generations.
For more information on the announcement, please click HERE.