Council Issue Statement on Reports of False Representation
It has come to the attention of Wicklow Uplands Council that in recent weeks an individual claiming to be associated with the organisation and the Wicklow Deer Management Project, has called to farmers in the county seeking permission for the recreational hunting of deer on their land. The approaches were made during the lockdown period and it is believed the person resides outside of the county.
Wicklow Uplands Council would like to publicly put it on the record that the individual has no involvement with the organisation or the Deer Management Project, and that no landowners will be approached in this manner, especially during the Covid19 restrictions.
Wicklow Uplands Council and the Wicklow Deer Management Partnership were successful in securing funding to launch the Wicklow Deer Management Project in 2018. The project has since established five deer management units (DMUs) in different locations where the adverse impacts of a high deer population were identified. Each of the units consists of landowners, hunters and other interested parties, who collectively agree upon key objectives on how best to sustainably manage deer found in their locality.
The three-year project is jointly funded by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine and the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht with Pat Mellon appointed to the role of project manager. Pat is the only person who may contact relevant landowners within those DMU’s or adjoining lands.
While the project has continued to operate during the lockdown, all activities have been on a reduced basis and physical meetings have not taken place in line with Government guidelines.
The actions of this individual are potentially damaging to both the reputation of the organisation and the project and therefore Wicklow Uplands Council is asking any landowner who may have been approached, or have concerns, to contact project manager, Pat Mellon at 0873410621 or 012818406.
- Statement Issued: 11-06-20