Wicklow Uplands Council values observations received from the general public and our membership

Wicklow Uplands Council responds to the views of the general public and our members so that we can continue to improve. We welcome all feedback, both positive and negative, and therefore we aim to ensure that:


  • It is as easy as possible to provide feedback or to make a complaint.
  • We treat a complaint as any clear expression of dissatisfaction with its operations, which calls for a response.
  • We treat complaints seriously whether they are made by telephone, letter, email, in person or through social media.
  • We aim to deal with complaints quickly and politely.
  • We respond accordingly – for example, with an explanation, or an apology where appropriate, and information on any action taken.
  • We learn from complaints, use them to improve, and monitor them at Board meetings.


Feedback and Complaint Process

If you do have feedback or a complaint about any aspect of Wicklow Uplands Council’s work, you can contact us in writing or by telephone. Email is the preferred option at info@wicklowuplands.ie or Ph: 012818406 or by post to Wicklow Uplands Council, Parish Hall, Main St, Roundwood, Co Wicklow, A98 K7K6.

In the first instance, your feedback/complaint will be dealt with by our Coordinator, who try to resolve the issue informally. If you are not satisfied with the response received, you should make a formal complaint. Please provide us as much information as possible and let us know how you would like us to respond to you, providing relevant contact details. We are open 4 days per week, Monday – Thursday from 9am to 5pm.

If you make a complaint in person or over the phone, Wicklow Uplands Council will endeavour to resolve the issue there and then. Similarly, if you make complaint by email or in writing Wicklow Uplands Council will always acknowledge your complaint and do everything it can to resolve it within a timely manner.

If you are not happy with our response, you may get in touch again by writing to the Chairperson of Wicklow Uplands Council. The Chairperson will ensure that your appeal is considered at Board level and will respond within 28 days of this consideration by the Board of Directors. In this case, please write to: Chairperson of Wicklow Uplands Council, Parish Hall, Main St, Roundwood, Co Wicklow, A98 K7K6.