‘Shared National Vision for Trees, Woods and Forests in Ireland until 2050’
Yesterday, the document, ‘A Shared National Vision for Trees, Woods and Forests in Ireland until 2050’ was officially released by Minister of State with responsibility for Forestry at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Senator Pippa Hackett.
The document calls for “the right trees in the right places for the right reasons with the right management – supporting a sustainable and thriving economy and society and a healthy environment”. It also anticipates by 2050 that Ireland’s forests will be seen as a key solution to the climate, biodiversity, housing and health emergencies of the 2020s. The Shared Vision is based on the work of Project Woodland, the group formed last year to examine potential reforms to Ireland’s forestry sector and to consider Ireland’s longer term strategic direction for forestry. Project Woodland is developing a new Forest Strategy to 2030, which will underpin a new Forestry Programme for the period 2023-2027.
The draft Forest Strategy to 2030 will be subject to public consultation shortly and will be shaped by the extensive feedback received on the Vision over the last 12 months. The next Forestry Programme will be the primary means by which the Department deliver on the Vision and on the Strategy in the immediate term. It is reported that there has been significant engagement to date with stakeholders and the public on the next Forestry Programme, and that the draft Programme will shortly be subject to further statutory and public consultation through the Strategic Environmental Assessment and Appropriate Assessment processes.
The full text of the state’s published Forestry Policy and Strategy including the Vision document is available by visiting HERE.
For the full text of the Press Release and background information on the consultation process to date, please visit: HERE.