New Car Park Facility Opens At Luggala

New Car Park Facility Opens At Luggala

A new car park facility has opened close to the Luggala estate/ Lough Tay (Guinness Lake) in the Wicklow uplands this weekend.

It is free to use, it is open on weekends only from 9am-6pm.

This announcement follows the recent opening of a similar parking facility in the village of Laragh to serve visitors to Laragh, Glendalough, the Wicklow Mountains National Park and nearby walking trails.

Wicklow Uplands Council calls upon members of the public to avail of these facilities and to not park on double yellow lines or in gateways and entrances to forests, farms, private residences or commercial premises.

An Garda Siochana will continue to monitor roads and visitor locations across the uplands with parking enforcement measures such as towing and ticketing operations likely should motorists park in an irresponsible manner.

Congratulations and thanks to the landowner, Cllr. Shay Cullen, Wicklow County Council and all stakeholders whose collective efforts have created a solution to the growing safety concerns related to the high number of visitors to the Luggala area.