Deer Management Project Coordinator (Position Filled)

UPDATE: This Position Has Been Filled
Part Time Position – August 2018
Wicklow Uplands Council (WUC) with the participation of the Wicklow Deer Management Partnership (WDMP) invites applications for the role of a part time Project Co-ordinator who will be responsible for the implementation of a new three year Deer Management project in Co Wicklow.
Wicklow Uplands Council (WUC) works for the sustainable use and enjoyment of the local landscape in partnership with those who live work and recreate there. WUC members are also actively involved with, and members of, the Wicklow Deer Management Partnership (WDMP). The WDMP is a common interest group and the only one of its kind in Ireland. WDMP is comprised of a number of key stakeholders, including farmers, private landowners, private woodland owners and hunters along with representatives from Wicklow Mountains National Park & Coillte. WDMP stakeholders all share the common goal of achieving a collaborative solution to the responsible, sustainable, management of wild deer populations throughout County Wicklow and adjoining areas, at levels which are in balance with agriculture, forestry, hunting and environmental objectives. WDMP is also represented on the Irish Deer Management Forum, the national body for implementation of deer management objectives.
WUC and the WDMP have recently been successful in winning a tender for The Provision of Deer Management in County Wicklow. This is a three year project with funding provided by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) and the Department of Culture Heritage and the Gaeltacht (DCHG). The objective of this project is to put sustainable deer management within the county on a more professional basis and to facilitate and promote knowledge transfer within the county and wider area.
A detailed project management plan has been drafted showing clearly the various steps/stages in the process including timelines and milestones for delivery, the number of days for each task, arrangements proposed for quality control of the outputs/deliverables and project management and leadership arrangements.
WUC is now seeking to engage a part time co-ordinator to manage the project. The co-ordinator will operate under the supervision of a steering group comprised of members WUC and WDMP who will provide technical expertise and advice. The project co-ordinator will have significant responsibilities for the implementation of the project.
Responsibilities and Specific Duties of the Position:
It is important to note that the successful applicant will not have any direct role in deer management or culling. The successful applicant will however be responsible for the implementation of the Deer Management Project as proposed in the WUC and WDMP tender application, a copy of which is available upon request. Specific duties will include:
- To adopt and implement the provided template planning model (‘The Management Plan’) to establish three Deer Management Units (DMUs) in the County
- To source and update the plan with any currently available data and to assemble further data demonstrating adverse deer impacts
- To demonstrate over the lifetime of the project a reduction in the adverse impacts caused by deer in the DMUs
- To engage and consult with relevant stakeholders / interested parties in order to promote a collaborative approach to deer management as outlined in the management plan and to encourage relevant stakeholders/interested parties to participate in this initiative
- To manage and progress the work of collecting, processing and dissemination of data relating to deer and their management in the DMU areas
- Through a questionnaire survey, to identify and quantify specific issues of stakeholders/interested parties
- To organise a number of further stakeholder meetings, no less than 2 per year in the project period
- To promote the Management Plan and encourage best practice and information exchange and to facilitate communication and networking
- To regularly update and provide feedback to the Steering Group and to attend WDMP meetings as required.
- To provide the partnership with updated copies of the Management Plan for each DMU
- To organise seminars, training & awareness events as appropriate
- To promote the efficient use of the Open Season for Deer as a deer management tool and if further required, the use of Sec 42 licences to reduce the deer impacts in these DMUs to acceptable levels. Where necessary he/she will co-ordinate the application for and use of these licences.
- To prepare and submit progress reports and a final report to the DAFM and DHG in order to facilitate drawdown of payments.
Essential Requirements:
The successful applicant will be a self-starter who can work independently. He/she must have leadership skills with strong organisational skills and have a proven track record in project management. He/she will have excellent record keeping skills. The successful applicant will have a practical knowledge and experience of working with landowners, farmers and multi-stakeholder groups.
Candidates must have a full driving licence and suitable transport. The post will require time spent outdoors and will involve meetings outside of normal office hours.
Minimum Qualifications:
A qualification in a relevant discipline is required. Relevant experience in deer or species management would be a distinct advantage.
The successful candidate will report to the Steering Group on a regular basis. Line management will be provided by WUC Co-ordinator.
Contract Terms:
This is a part time three year fixed term contract based on a 2.5day week which is subject to successful drawdown of funding from the DAFM/DHG. The Contractor will provide his/her own office facilities and equipment and will be positioned remotely. The Contractor shall not be an employee of Wicklow Uplands Council and, as such, shall be responsible for their own income tax, social welfare contributions and any other levies required by law to be paid. Work hours are flexible provided that the co-ordinator can fulfil their duties.
Contract Fee:
Commensurate with experience.
Informal enquiries / supplementary information to:
Wicklow Uplands Council
The Parish Hall, Main Street
Co Wicklow
Tel: 01 281 8406
Application Process:
Email applications with CV and cover letter to: Brian Dunne at the above address.
Closing date: 5pm, 10th September 2018
Further Information and updates to the project and this advertised role will feature on: