Our Mission is: To support the sustainable use of the Wicklow uplands through consensus and partnership with those who live, work and recreate there

A number of public meetings were held in 1996 in response to the growing pressures facing the Wicklow Uplands. It emerged that an organisation was needed, which would address the concerns of local people. Consequently, in January 1997, Wicklow Uplands Council was established and the organisation became fully operational in 1999. It has since endeavoured to implement its mission:

To support the sustainable use of the Wicklow uplands through consensus and partnership with those who live, work and recreate there

Guiding Values

The Uplands Council operates within the following core values:

Consensus: All decisions made by the Uplands Council are through consensus. By its nature this requires the resolution or mitigation of minority concerns and objections. This process of consensus building is central to the work of the Uplands Council.

Community Participation: The Uplands Council believes that the people who live, work and recreate in the Uplands must be provided with opportunities to participate in the various local, regional and national decision making processes affecting the area The Council represents the views of the local people and presents their case to the statutory decision makers.

Partnership & Collaboration: The Council is committed to work for the sustainable use of the Wicklow Uplands in partnership with statutory stakeholders in the spirit of Local Agenda 21. It recognises the necessity for and benefits of collaboration and partnership.


1. To build consensus and understanding between the stakeholder groups

2. To represent the shared interests of the upland communities

3. To respond to the challenges facing the uplands through innovative projects and partnerships

Wicklow Uplands Council is a company limited by guarantee (CRO 310627) and registered as body with charitable status (CHY 13346 and CRA 20041281). Registered address; Parish Hall, Main Street, Roundwood, Co Wicklow A98 K7K6